Wife and I just bought a 95 Roadtrek 210 Popular. We decided to take the plunge for a variety of reasons!
Went with the Class B size as we believe we can keep this in our driveway as a "conversion van" and meet the CCR's of our neighborhoood. We'll see how that works out.
Kids are grown (1 18 year old still here in the nest). Looking forward to just cruising around some state parks and maybe a few weekend football games and cycling events.
The Roadtrek has had 2 owners and is in excellent shape. Everything works and I'm enjoying the learning curve thus far.
Wow, once we started looking we really got the bug! Amazing what these things look like inside.
Laughed at myself the other night after watching a YouTube about tips on dump station technique. 10 minutes of "moving poo". Fascinating!