Decided to try a new forum and this is it. Have been here prior but not for some time. I reside close to the the Rockies in northern Colorado.
We have been rving since 1960 and are on our 9th rig.
Life good and i'll be looking forward to you post. RV Community - Are you about to start a new improvement on your RV or need some help with some maintenance? Do you need advice on what products to buy? Or maybe you can give others some advice? No matter where you fit in you'll find that iRV2 is a great community to join. Best of all it's totally FREE!
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Welcome to IRV2! Sure glad you joined us! Make yourself at home and jump in when you see something that interests you. You'll find some of the nicest folks here who are eager to help in any way they can. Our Moderators are great too, keeping us straight but always fair and respectful. Enjoy! God bless!
Joe & Annette
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.....
2002 Monaco Windsor 40PBT, 2013 Honda CRV AWD