Originally Posted by Luckiest Dreamer
Welcome! Love Oregon! Is it still smokey there? We spent several weeks in Or this year and was chased out with it! Good luck with you rebuild.
since he is at the northern area of the state, I am not sure they had much, if any, smoke up there (did you?), but the fires were right in my area (SW Oregon). We had one large one about 15 south of us and two others to the north by 20-30 miles. They've been burning now since late July, but we've had some periodic rain that helped clear out the smoke. We have a lot of rain forecasted for this wknd that they think might actually put them out. We had about 3 wks that were so bad, you could not leave your house w/o a mask on (unless you just wanted to be foolish and not care about your health). We went camping twice during that time to get out of the smoke and breath some outdoor air.