Oh, the Ford part of it is the least of my worries, mechanic-wise. I've owned Fords for all my life, and used and abused them with the resulting lessons in wrench pulling. Growing up on a cotton farm, NOTHING went to "the shop" except for an injector pump on a Deere
I'm not terribly worried about the rest of it, either. Excited is more of a proper term, because we lived off-grid for a couple years (remember that old cartoon of the executive in the penthouse with a coffee can and string up to his ear, caption reads "So I told the phone company where to stick their phone"? Adapt that to an electric co-op in the then-still-regulated part of Texas, when their computer generated a disconnect notice over sixty-seven cents, AFTER I was told not to worry about it by their billing department!) and already had made use of the appliances etc. out of a similar-to-this motorhome I scrapped out.
I'm just seeing it all used the way it's intended to be used, now, and so far, I'm enjoying the learning experience.