Well - finally retired. Not sure what we'll do. We have a 34 Coachman in a camp ground in Door cty (wisconsin) and we have four winds 23a motor home. We have taken 4-5 trips in the past 2 years. Yellowstone, SC, PA, and Prince Edward Island. (4700 miles - lots of driving).
So - will we keep the RV - trade in for a travel trailer or get a bigger rv or just keep what we have. Can you tell - we are very new at this.
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I'm sure you will figure it out. DW asked me what I was doing today. I said Nothing. She said. But you did that yesterday.
I replied, "Yes, but I didn't get finnished"
If you own a motorhome you will have lots to keep you occupied.
2019 Unity LTV CB, pushed by a 2013 Honda CRV, BlueOx Baseplate, Aventa Bar & Patriot Brake