My name is Gale and my wife is Martha. I'm 82 yrs of age and Martha is 77. We have owned a Sports Coaches for about 35 yrs and gave the last one away last year thinking that we were through traveling. just decided that we needed something smaller and easier to park in crowded parking lots so bought a Roadtrek 170 and really enjoy the ease of getting around and still having the benefits of toilet, refridg, etc. We look forward to the many benefits of belonging to a group such as you all appear to be. I'll update our profile very soon.
Best Regards
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US Navy Vet, Liberty Tree Member of Oath Keepers, NRA & VFW Life Member, Alaska EMT.
2009 Safari Cheetah 40 SKQ
2009 Winnebago Chalet 231CR
Hi Gale & Martha! Welcome to IRV2! It's great to have a couple more "youngsters" like us here on the forum! Good luck with that new rig!
Happy trails and may God bless & keep you safe!
Joe & Annette
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.....
2002 Monaco Windsor 40PBT, 2013 Honda CRV AWD
Nor'easters Club Fleetwood Owners Club Workhorse Chassis Owner
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: NH
Posts: 5,099
Hi Gale, Welcome to the group, great to see you haven't lost you way and now purchased a new rig. Hope it's all you expect it to be and that you have safe trouble free travels.
Bruce & Nancy
FMCA F280542
2004 Bounder 35E
US Navy Vet.