Hi everyone, my husband and I just purchased our first RV. It is an older one a 1989 Travelmaster. We got it from friends of ours and felt it would be a good starter. We are going on our first trip this weekend from CT to VA and are super excited. If anyone has any tips on how to reupholster the furniture I would greatly appreciate it!!
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US Navy Vet, Liberty Tree Member of Oath Keepers, NRA & VFW Life Member, Alaska EMT.
2009 Safari Cheetah 40 SKQ
2009 Winnebago Chalet 231CR
Nor'easters Club Fleetwood Owners Club Workhorse Chassis Owner
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: NH
Posts: 5,099
Welcome to the site and group. There are many places to get upgrades on your furniture. Search the forums and you'll have places to explore. Enjoy your new coach and the upcoming trip. Safe travels.
Bruce & Nancy
FMCA F280542
2004 Bounder 35E
US Navy Vet.