Hi everyone ,
Just found & joined this forum today ! Awesome site a lot of helpful knowledge here . Looking forward to learning alot here and helping others as well !
We live full time in our 2003 Jayco Designer w/ triple sliders . Bought the Designer in April 03 , move into it May of 04 , sold the house by January of 05 !
We have an indoor cat Tony (an Orange Tabby who will turn 14 on April 22nd) we even have 4 betta fish in small tanks up on the slide shelf hubby made . When we travel to hot climates we will let our grown daughter fish sit for us lol ! But when we take the fish we put the little tanks into another container put that container on the floor board of the pickup. They see to travel nicely that way !
Hoping hubby will be able to retire in a couple of years . - joyfulcamper & hubby
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US Navy Vet, Liberty Tree Member of Oath Keepers, NRA & VFW Life Member, Alaska EMT.
2009 Safari Cheetah 40 SKQ
2009 Winnebago Chalet 231CR
Thank you sdennislee , Bruce & Nancy and Joe & Annette for the warm welcome to this forum . We are so glad we found this forum .
sdennislee my hubbys Uncle Bob is in Anchorage Alaska we hope to get up there once hubby is retired . His Uncle served in the Air Force (20 yrs) & the US Navy(20yrs ) also worked with Search & Rescue there in Alaska & put the black boxes in planes up there .
Again thanks for the warm welcome here . - Joyfulcamper & Hubby