Well when I joined this morning I was elated about purchasing my 1st TT...2001 Rockwood Roo 25' Hybrid however while enroute attempting to do some research (last minute, I know) needless to say, the travel trailer has a few blemishes & minor flaws & ultimately I left with the thought; Although the price is relatively inexpensive compared to the others, I am going to sleep on it! In the meantime if anyone of you would share your knowledge & expertise it would be greatly appreciated. (( 2000 Dodge Dakota SLT Quad cab))-
By the way, I haven't figured out how to reply but thanks for the warm welcome notes!!!
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Appalachian Campers Mid Atlantic Campers Ford Super Duty Owner Carolina Campers Holiday Rambler Owners Club
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 165
I think getting a used RV makes good sense--there is a huge depreciation if you buy new. I did buy a new hybrid in 2011--still have it, but now have bought a 1996 motor home. The main thing about the used one is it is in great shape and mechanically and structurally very sound--so I dont mind --and actually enjoy spending some money to fix little things on it. No payments on it-- but still making payments on the new one. Welcome--and what matters is you enjoy your choice. By the way --the people here are great, with tons of info---Vince
Howdy and welcome to the forum! It's a good idea to sleep on any big decision, so I'd say you did the right thing. Check out the Travel Trailer section of the forum and ask all the questions you can think of! Good luck.