Just checking in. I traded a gun I for a 1985 32' Class A Honey RV with 45k miles on it. Engine runs great, but a lot of wiring issues. Looking forward to my project!!! (If anyone has any manuals for this RV it wold help me get out of the gate a bit quicker) I am looking forward to sharing in the forum!
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US Navy Vet, Liberty Tree Member of Oath Keepers, NRA & VFW Life Member, Alaska EMT.
2009 Safari Cheetah 40 SKQ
2009 Winnebago Chalet 231CR
Winnebago Owners Club Appalachian Campers Coastal Campers Carolina Campers
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,828
Hello and welcome to IRV2. Be sure to check out the Vintage RV section. You will get alot of help there. Hope you can get your rig fixed up and on the road soon.
Safe travels.
Brenda and Frank, FTers, Zebulon, NC
Raisin our mixed hound and BooBoo our cat.
2004 Itasca Suncruiser