My name is Steve although most people call me Ranger for a variety of reasons. My partner is Blue Djinn (Jin) my border collie and medical assistance service dog. Hopefully I can insert a pict at the end.
I've spent most of the last 20 years being an Adventure and Eco-tour guide and working as a Tribal-Ranger for a band of Native Americans in the Sonora desert. Also wrote a regular column on the desert for a local magazine along with several books on the desert and how to survive when the Mother Natures comes up,taps you on the shoulder saying, "Tag! You're it." My last book was abridged and printed on a Bandanna. the idea being; "No one will carry a survival book but everyone does carry a bandanna." To accompany that I taught rock climbing, survival and desert craft.
Not just an outdoor type I'm also an ubergeek being able to fix almost anything that drives, rides, floats or flies. My favorite computers are ones that work, that is they use Linux instead of Windoze. There are lots of other techie things I'm into as well including HAM radio and of course I can fix an RV and it's tow and/or toad.
While a newbie to living fulltime in an RV I'm no stranger to living in a small mobile place, my last one being a boat.
Lastly there are the border collies, very special dogs. I've raised them for 40 years every one of them a working dog until I became disabled. At that time friends suggested that I should train my next border collie pup as a service dog. Jin is almost 4 years old and is superb in his service work as all border collies are in whatever they do.
"The name is Bond, Jinns Bond."
We are Team Blue Djinn
Members of Good Sam and Escapees RV clubs.