Link to recomended repair shop by state?
First of all, I'd like to say that I've enjoyed the wealth of information that is on this great website. I realize that this site is very supportive of advertising. Maybe I have missed it, but is there somewhere on this site to show support for great service for work done on our units possible by state or region? I believe that this would be of great value for those of us that may be out of state and in need good quality work done while on the road.
I see we have a link for campgrounds. Maybe we could have one for repair shops? I think it would be great if I was in another state and needed repair work and could log on here and see that "Joe" has had great experience working with "Joe's truck and RV repair" in whatever county.
Thanks in advance, Glen
P.S. Moderators, if there is a better place for this thread, or if this has already been covered please lead me there.