I propose that there be a technical information section where the expterts can provide technical information about RVs of all types. Since I have been a member there has been a wealth of information about all types of RVs and RVing. The only problem is a topic is discussed and then it is burried in the forum, many pages deep. I usually don't look through past forums to see if there is information that I would like to read. Also, searching for topics is a problem due to the "well meaning" people who post incorrect information.
I would be great is we had a section devoted to technical information that is "accurate and relevent" to search for topics of interest. For example, I was participating in a thread concerning battery charging that has been covered many times. Some times we get correct information, other times we get "opinions" that are not always correct. The "newbie" as well as the old timer, could benefit greately from a forum with technical topics that can help us with issues and questions that cover a wide variety of topics.
Maybe the manufacturers could help with techincal editing to make sure the information is correct.
Topics of interest could be:
1. Electrical systems
2. Batteries and battery charging
3. Appliances
4. Tools and supplies to have on hand
5. Tires, suspension systems
6. Engine modifications
This is a partial list. Many topics are covered again and again but the important stuff gets lost.
Just my $0.02 worth.
2005 Winnebago Sightseer 30B, F53 Chassis