Just yesterday, we met my cousin and his wife at the marina in Baltimore. They are from California, originally from Baltimore, and were going to do a "loop" from Florida up the east coast to the Erie Canal, the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi. Because of Covid, they are doing small trips along the coast, then going back to home for a while and coming back to their boat.
The marina was almost empty. We took a cruise around the harbor on a beautiful, but hot, day. Anchorded off Ft. McHenry and had dinner. Very few boats on the water on a Sunday afternoon.
They're being very careful but still able to enjoy the small places they stop to spend the night. They are fortunate that they can afford 1st class travel which they say makes a huge difference when flying.
Since the loop is out for 2020, maybe a friend and I will get to move their boat for them to Florida for the winter?
We even talked about trading use of our RV and their boat. That could be interesting.