I have a 2002 Winnie and my and my friends and RV'ing acquaintances floor furnaces have the air intake from a grill adjacent to the furnace. This is important to keep uncovered. Mine is in the bedroom right next to an exterior wall directly above the furnace compartment. (I have another grill in the bedroom but it's the passive input to the wet bay, which most RVs have).
The hot air output goes to the underfloor vent system. I don't recall ever reading about or visiting any RV friend where the gas furnace output was ducted to the ceiling. In my RV there are 4 output grills in the floor starting in the bathroom in a line into the living room. There isn't one in the bedroom except for the intake. The air out of those grills is very comfortably warm and gets the RV up to temp in just a couple minutes.
So, look for the intake floor grill right above the furnace (or at least very close too), and I guess the easiest way to find the output grills is to turn the furnace on and go feel. My '94 Bounder had the same setup and my brothers, friends, and RVing acquaintances do too. None of those various RVs had the gas furnace blowing into the ceiling duct work...that's for the roof mounted ACs and heat pumps and basement heat pumps. Makes a good raceway for TV wiring as well.