Not So Hot Summer Rally
Longhorn RV Resort, Niedewald, Texas
June 3rd to June 7th
We have 20 sites reserved for this rally.
The sign up post is now available on the Texas Boomers Website.
Wild Wild West Week (permission to dress western)
Monday June 3rd
6 PM
Hot dogs with all the fixins provided
Meet and Greet
Games of choice
Tuesday June 4th
9 AM
Cowboy pot luck breakfast
Games of choice
6 PM
Texas BBQ by Don and Jesse
Playing card bingo (bring 12 quarters)
Games of choice
Wednesday June 5th
9 AM
Zippy omelet breakfast
Games of choice
6 PM
Cowboy pot luck supper
After supper
Meet us at the Texas Longhorn Saloon
for country music, dancin, and drinkin
Thursday June 6th
9 AM
Coffee and Pastries
Games of choice