IT WORKS!!!! So happy!
The blue shock absorber 41-230 in the Safe-T-Plus solution cost about 700$ + installation. But I have tested a cheaper 150$ solution on my motorhome.
On my Freightliner 40 foot 2011 and I have installed a Monroe SC2921 45$ on the Safe-T-Plus bracket 104$.
The Safe-T-Plus shock absorber (steering damper) that goes on the Safe-T-Plus bracket was too much money for me.
In more details:
The Safe-T-Plus for your motorhome is made of two products, the shock absorber (steering damper) and a specific Bracket for your specific motorhome.
To find the shock absorber and the bracket for your motorhome search on google for: Safe T Plus Chassis Guide. Here is the
link for 2022.
For example for my Freightliner XC I need to measure the Tie-Rod diameter to determine my bracket part number. In my case the tie-rod was 1-3/4" so I ordered the bracket F-143K3 for 104$US. For this bracket we need a steering damper that is 3/4 diameter. So I took the Monroe SC2921 that is used on city buses.
My tests: when I turn the wheels completely left or right, the Monroe SC2921 still has 3/4" on each side available which means it's long enough. I drove on the highway and it works perfectly. The Monroe SC2921 has a travel length of 10.688".
The Monroe doesn't have a spring on it so your wheels won't return to center automatically. But the Monroe steering damper will protect you in case of a front tire explosion. It's the steering damper and not the spring that protects from a front tire explosion.
To install, no need to raise the motorhome. My 14 year old teenager installed it on my supervision in 30 minutes. You need to follow the Safe-T-Plus torque specs. I put the wheels straight and then we installed the system while the Monroe steering damper was open exactly half-way (5.34" since the travel lenght of the Monroe is 10.688"). So easy. Once installed, we turned the wheels full left and could see that we still had 3/4" unused. Same when the wheels are full right.
Total cost is 150$.