Originally Posted by BLAdventurer
I know this is beat to death on this forum but I have the problem. Now, I have a charge line installed. I checked the line from end to end. The line is 12awg. We towed about 450 miles with 2 overnight stops and no disconnects. Ran through the Honda recommended towing procedures 5 times on this trip. Now, we unhook, go to start the car, and it struggles to start. I put a charger on it overnight. I am using the SMI Stay n play brake system. Did not remove any fuses. Any thoughts what my problem is?
I have the same set up for my CRV. There should be a fuse at Each End of the charge line. One at the MH connection and one at the Toad connection.
With the cord plugged in,
First check for power at the connection to the toad battery on the MH side of the fuse. If you check the toad side of the fuse you will only see the toad battery voltage. If you don't see voltage, check both fuses.
I'm assuming the connection was tested initially to make sure there is power from the MH to the Toad. If your fuses are good and still no voltage, you need to look at the connections and make sure they line up.
The attached should help.
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