If 22,000 pounds is the gross vehicle weight rating GVWR then that will include everything in the coach, including fuel, freshwater, propane, people, supplies, baggage etc.
If the gross combination weight rating GCVWR is 26,000 pounds, then that includes the coach plus any towed trailer or vehicle.
Just speculating now.....with full fuel, full freshwater, seven people, all of their luggage, food and supplies, you will probably be over the gross weight rating on the coach. You will need to weigh the coach to make sure.
Everyone should weigh their coach so you will know before you start loading and also will let you know how much air to run in all of the tires. Weigh it with full fuel, full water, full propane and then it's easy to add people, luggage and supplies to get a very accurate weight.
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Michael Morgan
Kaplan, LA.
2002 Dutch Star 3567