Hi all,
I just recently purchased a 2008 JAYCO MELBOURNE 29D and the other day was boiling water and noticed with the hood vent running that the steam was coming out from under the hood.

Well...................on further investigation, I found that the fan was wired wrong and turning the wrong way.

You could look at the flapper door on the vent and it would not move when you turned it on. The first thing I tried was reversing the fan blade, but that did nothing to help, so I cut the wires and wired white to black and black to white and presto.............IT VENTS LIKE NEVER BEFORE. The flapper is forced wide open.
I just wonder how many people are running around with a vent hood that sounds like its working but isn't??
Anyone else out there got this problem or had this problem and fixed it?
Its a stainless steel hood vent. I don't see a brand name on it.
Hope this helps others.