It's been a real hard Holiday Season in losing Houston and all but the glow has returned to the house. It's great to see my wife grinning from ear to ear again and to hear her laugh is really important also. Our new little "Hudson" has added some joy to the house.
Not without some problems this week, boy what a week. We initially picked up #1 Hudson Monday. After bringing him home I noticed he was having a hard time going #2. The straining continued the next day and then Wednesday morning he was crying and still straining so off to the vet we went. When they took him from the exam room into the back procedure room I could hear him screaming as they were trying to help him. Well I had to go and sit in the waiting area, I just couldn't listen to him that way. When sitting there I had left the exam room door partially open and after about 10 minute I saw a tech come in clean the room and took another animal in there. I just sat and thought now what. Well after a few more minutes one of the doctors came and got me and asked if I would come back into the surgery area. My heart sunk. In there I saw the little guy standing on the table (that was a relief) and they wanted to show me what was wrong. Well he was born with what they called a ribbon stricture which obstructed his little bum whole so that he couldn't defacate properly. They had removed as much of his poop as they could with just Q-Tips as that's about the only thing they could insert. Well surgery was suggested but our vet couldn't guarantee there procedure and recommended a proffesional vet hospital. I was given a referrel and called them and was quoted $2500 to $3000 on the low side for the procedure. Now granted they did not see the pup but that still really rocked me. Well we did contact the breeder after about an hour and a half and she said just bring the little guy back to her and they would have their vet perform the surgery. She in turn gave us #2 Hudson and he's just been going crazy playing and having a blast. Our little HiTee, Houstons sister has been just devastated since he's been gone as well and maybe hasn't still figured out this little guy but she is coming around.
I have kept in touch with the breeder as well and she has told us that the 1st little guy is doing well and that's good to hear. I just hope everything turns out fine for the little guy. Sorry this is so long but it has been an eventfull Holiday to say the least.