RVn is for the dogs (and our 4 legged furry friends too!)
Hi everyone!
Who else goes about with dogs? What kind (send pictures), and how many?
We take our two McNab dogs (Google it) when we go. Forty pound stock dogs that are super smart, athletic and loyal. They like to protect us at night (yay) by sleeping on the bed with us (boo). This works fine at home but puts a cramp in our style (literally) when we’re seeking the comfort of a good night sleep in Roman (RV). Somehow or another their 40 lb presence always takes doggie dominance over the 6x7 shared space (dogs 60- two leggeds 40). This can make sleeping soundly less than ideal. Have you ever tried to move the dead weight of a 40 lb dog with your leg from a prone position? They think they’re being generous letting us have the space against the wall while they stretch nose to tali in the middle.
All this to invite your tails and tips on how best to travel with terriers.