My name is Tim Palmer
We are going to go down the road that you have already traveled and would appreciate any feedback that you could share. We met with Gregg and Wyatt from SC as well as Brian and Cole from NH, appointments with each at the Tampa super show 2 years ago. Just based on those meetings we were leaning towards SC, more based on the personalities and comfort levels than the products or process
Our plan is to set up factory tours and meetings next spring for each, understand their processes and pricing, make the builder decision , pay the deposit and start the process to take delivery by end of 2024. I was wondering about the issue you seem to have, that is how to come to terms on final price of the build when it hasn’t been fully designed, much less built yet.
If you can share any of your experiences of dealing with each manufacture we would greatly appreciate it.
If you would prefer to communicate via email,