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FYI I have a 2020 Dutch Star and this is all new to me. 1) Pulling the F11 fuse was listed here on IRV2 by someone else originally. In that post he had contacted Spartan and they recommended pulling F11. So this was second hand info for me, as I didn't call Spartan about this. I just picked up my rig today and plan to head south on Friday it's 25 out right now. Every thing seems fine. I check my battery voltages every week or so and since I pulled F11 I have had no issue with Chassis battery drain. I always put the fuse back in then turn on the two chassis disconnect switches. Then I turn on the house disconnect switch at the front door. The house batteries (8) do drain slowly as I suspect they also have some drain going on but I can easily make it 2 months without having to recharge. I did see other fuses with power on them but they were not contributing to the Chassis Battery discharge like F11 was. My number is 262-510-7785 if you want to chat. Matt